Rabia uses her personal story of resilience, courage, strength, and forgiveness, in addition to her psychology, military, and legal training, when talking about authentic leadership, resilience, and equality & diversity.
The ability to lift and inspire others to action is critical, whether it be on a war-torn battlefield, or on a stage.
Rabia touches the hearts of all that hear her speak and leaves a lasting impression, inspiring her audience to want to be the best version of themselves. Rabia’s experiences as a former terrorist and war crimes prosecutor, international humanitarian, retired British Army officer, hostage survivor and mother of triplets have given her valuable insights on how to make the most of our lives and our businesses.
Her commitment to equality, justice and authentic leadership defines her and sets her apart as a sincere, charismatic and remarkable individual. Having battled abuse, discrimination, chronic health problems and trauma, Rabia is more than just a survivor. Rabia leads by example and lives what she teaches. A sample of her most popular keynotes are below.
Courage under fire
Rabia uses her unique and powerful story as a starting point, and by sharing her truths and vulnerabilities with the audience, Rabia explores what it means to be a truly great and authentic leader. She addresses what she believes are the essential qualities and key roles for a great and effective leader. She calls her audience to a higher purpose, challenging them to practice and live great, authentic leadership, to lead by example and be agents of change.
Gifts in a Crisis
Winston Churchill once said, we should never let a good crisis go to waste!
Life is a choice. We can choose to be the victims of our circumstances, believing that we cannot change what seems overwhelming. Or we can choose not to be defined by that which often confounds us. We can choose to adapt, thrive, learn and lead the change that we are all capable of by seeking out the opportunities.
So what choice will you make? How will you use your influence and privileged position? What leader will you be?
Through her lived experience and powerful story-telling, Rabia takes audiences through these questions to decide for themselves.
Equal Justice
Rabia’s most commonly requested keynote relates to her very personal story of battling with discrimination, abuse, chronic illness, and PTSD after her involvement in a hostage crisis in Iraq, and then being written out of history. She explores what it means to display moral courage and lead by example, to stand up for one’s principles in the face of criticism, adversity, and sacrifice, to fight for equality, and to live what she teaches.
Release your inner giant
The world is calling upon us to reflect, reset our priorities, to see and fully embrace the realities in front of us - the beautiful and the ugly - and to have the courage to speak up and step up in ways we perhaps never have before.
This is the mark of a great leader and change maker, and great leadership is characterised by those who embody and demonstrate resilience, courage, focus, discipline & authenticity. It is this type of leadership that we need more than ever right now.
Are you ready to be inspired and empowered to release your inner giant? To be the change you need to be to impact your own life and the lives of others around you?
Rabia takes audiences through what it means to be a great leader, and how they, too, can lead themselves with courage, integrity and resilience.
Add on a Master Mind session to extend the impact of having Rabia speak at your conference.
This workshop focuses on identifying, crafting and using stories in the leadership context to engage staff and clients, bring to life and communicate with effectiveness company values and build trust, respect and sustainable relationships with stakeholders.
Participants will be empowered to:
Identify and articulate their impactful story for change;
Craft stories to serve others and manage change;
Use stories to influence, build engagement and inspire others to take action; and
Embrace stories in a leadership and business context.
This workshop explores resilience, and gives practical tools for cultivating more of it, from the perspective of an international humanitarian, hostage survivor, returned British army officer and mother of triplets.
Participants will be empowered to:
Re-write their own stories of loss and failure to see the growth and life lessons;
Use perspective shifting techniques to overcome narratives that feed anxiety and fear;
Build personal and psychological resilience; and
More readily identify and draw upon internal and external resources in order to practice resilience when situations and events require it.
“Rabia presented at our 2019 Apex Summit which is our annual national educational conference. In attendance this year we had approximately 1200 financial advisors who pay to attend, so delivering value for their investment is critical. Rabia was one of our keynote speakers and rated the highest of our three guest speakers. Her story, how she delivers it and how she connected the message to the audience was outstanding. Rabia is one of the best; she resonated and delivered an impactful and meaningful message to every single person in that audience. Not only did our survey results reflect her outstanding presentation, but so did the standing ovation and the many comments that followed - from a group that is typically very difficult to impress. She is outstanding in every way, I would highly recommend her for any audience.”
- Vice President, Investors Group, Canada
“Rabia provided us with a pre-recorded message tailored to our business requirements, aligning her incredible stories and insights with our organisation’s values and our strategic priority of fostering a speak up culture.
We were a little unsure if a pre-recorded message would be as engaging as other live events the Women In Pharma group had already hosted, but there was no need for concern. Most webinar attendees shared that Rabia’s emotion was palpable and they felt as though she was speaking directly to them, something Rabia had guaranteed us in the negotiation process.
Our senior business leaders left the following comments - ‘Wow just incredible!’ and ‘Wow, that almost brought me to tears, but a great reminder of the human spirit.’ Feedback from other employees was equally as positive with one webinar attendee sharing - ‘What an amazing story, it lit a fire in me and has given me the drive to be the change I want to see, especially when it’s out of my comfort zone.’”
- Women In Pharma Lead, AstraZeneca
“From the moment we reached out to Rabia, she proved outstanding to work with. No request seemed to trouble her, instead she seemed to enjoy the challenge!
Rabia’s communication in the lead up to the conference was a testament to not only her work ethic but how well her talk was able to impact our audience.
Not only was Rabia dressed impeccably, but she was also on time and hungry to know even more about our audience than we had previously discussed.
Rabia was able to engage with our audience, captivating them until her last word – without the aid of notes or slides. You could have heard a pin drop the entire talk. A typically hard-to-please audience gave her a standing ovation and promptly swarmed her upon exit – shaking her hand and thanking her.
I simply cannot recommend Rabia highly enough, and will be sure to book her again at some point down the road.”
- Events Manager, Clubs NSW
“This presentation was off the charts. Rabia is my new superhero! I found her messages to be inspirational on a professional and personal level. Without a doubt the most outstanding presentation at any conference I have attended.”
- President, New Zealand Law Society
“Holy crap - she’s amazing!”
- CEO of PR and Design Agency, Hunter & Bard
“I was mesmerised by Rabia’s story and the lessons that she so easily shared. After one spellbinding hour, we all shared our thoughts and reactions to what we had just experienced. The positivity, unity and desire to be better at what we do, to find our voice, and to be the change we want in this world. Rabia is simply compelling and captivating.”
- General Manager, JWH Group (Construction)
“Rabia’s keynote presentation was the perfect opening to UN Youth National Conference. Her story was inspiring and empowering, and the audience was on the edge of their seats throughout. Rabia engaged effortlessly with the teenage conference delegates. Her understanding of youth leadership and ability to encourage young people to be innovators and change-makers was impressive. We would not hesitate to invite Rabia to speak again.”
- National Conference Co-Convenor, UN Youth Australia
“I was never in any doubt that our members would take Rabia to their hearts. The feedback I received following her keynote was so positive. Attendees were genuinely moved and uplifted by Rabia’s honesty and her message of hope and resilience. Best speaker of the conference and best speaker I have ever had the pleasure of listening to.”
- President, Irish Primary Principals Network (IPPN)
“We’re still shivering! Impactful doesn’t come close. Rabia was amazing, truly inspiring and the best speaker I have ever heard.”
- Events and Marketing Manager, Canadian Human Resources Management Association
“Rabia’s presentation was inspirational. In the business context, we often talk about the importance of composure, keeping the goal in mind and making a difference. To see this brought to life in a real-world context where lives are at stake is both humbling and inspirational. It helps put things back into context.”
- General Manager, Oceania, Coca Cola South Pacific
“Rabia kindly delivered a keynote for a population of our most senior executive leaders, as a follow-on component of an Executive Development Leadership Program. Rabia is a highly proficient, impactful and passionate speaker. Her personal story and authentic presentation style resonated across our senior executive population, which can be a tough ask when faced with a room of typically highly sceptical individuals.
Rabia took the time to get to know us and our desired outcomes prior to the event. She customised her messaging to align with our goals, creating meaning and impact for our audience. She was highly committed and personally invested to make the event a success, which made it an absolute pleasure to partner with her.”
- Director, Leadership Development, Macquarie Group Limited
“Are you are looking for a speaker who will inspire 100% of the audience? Rabia provided our national conference with a truly inspirational, heartfelt presentation that touched our very beings. A huge thanks on behalf of the ASI & our members.”
- State Manager, Australian Steel Institute
“At our CEO Summit on Feb 5, 2020, we were privileged to open the day with a presentation from Rabia. This was a powerful, emotional, and riveting talk. The theme of The Summit was GROW, and the demonstration of growth and development outlined by Rabia went a long way to creating the success the day became. Those in attendance were full of positive reviews and rated Rabia more than 9 out of 10. I am looking for further opportunities to hear Rabia speak. We are proud that she is a member of the CEO Institute.”